Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Heroku Bets Big On PHP

Heroku Bets Big On PHP And Launches Native Support For Facebook’s HipHop VM

 Cloud platform Heroku today announced a set of new tools for PHP developers that aim to give PHP the kind of enterprise-grade support the company already offers for Rails, Python, node.js and other languages.
It’s no secret that PHP doesn’t always get the credit it deserves. While the language has developed quite a bit over the last few years — in large part thanks to capable frameworks and package support with Composer – it still gets a bad rap. Some of that is deserved, given that it can encourage beginners to write bad code (though we can also blame all of the outdated PHP tutorials and code snippets on the web for this). At the same time, though, it’s a pretty easy language to pick up and in the right hands, it’s just as capable as any other server-side language.

As Heroku’s VP of product Adam Gross told me, the company sees today’s launch as something of a “coming out party for PHP, as it goes from a good language for hacking together small projects to graduating as a first-class framework.”

Gross believes that part of this renaissance for PHP is due to Facebook’s continued investment in the language and Heroku has decided to use Facebook’s HipHopVM  as the basis for its implementation of the language. HipHop will give PHP developers on Heroku significant speed increases over the traditional PHP VM and using it is as easy as setting a flag in the Heroku deploy script.

Heroku will also support Composer — the most widely used package manager for PHP — out of the box. Package manager support, Gross argues, is an essential feature that makes the difference between the old “hackish PHP development model and the more professional model.”

On Heroku, PHP will also be able to make use of the company’s recently launched Heroku XL dynos, which Gross argues will allow companies to go from prototyping in PHP to deploying large-scale and widely-used apps without having to switch languages or platforms. A few companies — including Facebook — were able to stick with PHP as they grew, but they needed massive engineering efforts to make this happen. “We want to make that same path as easy as possible for developers,” Gross told me. “If you love PHP, you can take it all the way to being one of the largest applications on our platform.”

As part of its commitment to PHP, Heroku now offers 24/7 technical support for developers.

Judging from my discussion with Gross, the company is clearly targeting enterprise developers with this move. He believes that enterprise is the next frontier for PHP and that for the longest time, companies looked at it “as a bit of a redheaded stepchild in the enterprise community.” Now that it offers package management and enterprise-level support through Heroku, he believes that time is coming to an end and that enterprises will give PHP another look.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Bitcoin Slips Following News Of Fresh Restrictions In China

 Bitcoin, which has recently traded under $400 and over $500, shed more than 10% of its value over the past few days, falling from around $500 to under $440, before recovering slightly.

As has happened many times in recent months when it comes to Bitcoin price swings, this downturn is based in news from China. This time around, BTC China has decided to stop accepting local-currency deposits from China Merchants Bank, a large financial institution in the country.
Why does Chinese usage of Bitcoin matter? It’s widely thought that Bitcoin could have a large future in the country, where government control over banking and the like might make the decentralized cryptocurrency quite attractive to the average person. If the Chinese government exerts enough pressure to all but ban its use, that potential is undercut, harming the value of Bitcoin itself.

Via ZeroHedge, here’s a chart of the drop in the price (USD) of Bitcoin following the news:
Screen Shot 2014-04-27 at 11.47.42 AM
ZeroHedge goes on to note that given a lack of new official rules to force the change in policy, it could be that “this ‘pre-emptive’ move may suggest he PBOC would soon set stricter rules about how its earlier edicts should be followed.” We’ll have to see.

Also potentially weighing on the price of Bitcoin might be recent news that the French government does intend to tax transactions of the currency. As you’ll certainly recall, the United States has decided to treat Bitcoin as property, and not a currency.

That choice has tax implications here as well. All told, the above represent continued growing pains of Bitcoin — each government will have to decide for itself how it will deal with the stuff. The United States and France seem content to wait and see, while China could take more restrictive steps.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hack Hiring

How To Hack Hiring

Everyone knows there’s an arms race for tech talent. Companies in every industry, not just tech, need this talent to survive.
Take banking for example. Bank of America has 263 unfilled technical jobs as of April 8. In Silicon Valley, Facebook and Amazon hire thousands of engineers every year, and 73 percent of U.S. companies expect to hire more tech talent in 2014. Yahoo alone has bought 37 companies since 2012, battling Facebook and Twitter in the acqui-hire phenomenon – companies are buying other companies to get their hands on the best tech talent. Ironically, this trend has made San Francisco the second hardest city in which to hire tech talent.
The only way this frenzied demand is beginning to be met is because engineers are creating tools that aid recruiters in the hiring process. With new sets of tools and smarter interviewing standards, our data shows tech titans like Amazon and Facebook are saving 70 percent to 80 percent of their time hiring talent by hiring smarter — which equates to about 1,500 hours every two months. So what are the current myths of hiring and how are innovative companies hacking the process to come out on top?

Myth #1 – It’s Stanford or Bust When Hiring The Best Coders

Talent is everywhere; it’s all about going off the beaten path. Look beyond well-known developer heavyweights like Stanford. There are a great number of universities that are graduating a consistent number of programmers equal in skill to your average Stanford grad, though the average student might not be comparable with the Ivies.
For instance, our data from India alone points to 12 schools from where a number of programmers have performed on par with students from the Ivies, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon or MIT. Schools in China like Zhejiang University and Waterloo in Canada are also producing top-tier talent. Universities like UCLA, National University of Singapore, NTU, the Middle East Technical University and Purdue are all examples of schools with a high number of enthusiastic and top-notch programmers who need to be on recruiters’ radars. Taken together, these schools are producing an untapped long tail of strong programmers that are overlooked in favor of the more famous places.

Myth #2 – The Surprise Interview Question Will Help You Find the Gems

The new world doesn’t look like the film, The Internship. Smart companies prepare candidates, ask consistent questions, and have done away with “gotcha” questions to trip up interviewees.
Examples of this evolution are everywhere; Google has abandoned its storied brainteasers because they are worthless for practical evaluation; Intel has created a dedicated candidate help desk to help give insight into their hiring process; Amazon’s former VP of tech never “tried out” new questions in his interviews. This doesn’t mean that candidates are given a chance to game the system; it means you start with a question where you can accurately measure the quality of the answer, and then you dig. Stripe even encourages you to Google around during your interview for answers, and also welcomes collaboration with interviewers to reach an answer.
For candidates, it’s equally as important to be super clear on your resume. Don’t just show what you did, emphasize the impact your work had. Google’s SVP of people operations, Laszlo Bock, urges that achievements should be descriptive. For instance, rather than saying, “I worked on the backend development team,” be specific about what you did and the value it brought: “I worked on new indexing infrastructure that reduced latency from multiple seconds to less than 10 milliseconds. This included a transactional, memcache write-through persistence layer on Google App Engine.”

Myth #3 – All You Need is a Whiteboard; Now Let’s See Some Coding Magic

Top recruiters are using new tools to find and evaluate talent. From algorithms, to public coding platforms, to open coding challenges, to candidate tracking – it’s time to get with the program and update your toolset.
Coding environments in particular need to be completely rethought. It’s the part of the interview that you’re using to quantify skill, so approach it carefully. Writing lines of code on a whiteboard or a Google Doc will absolutely skew results; the environment in which the interview is conducted should be as close to real world as possible; tools that are closer to the actual work environment give better results.
In particular, we believe it is essential to have a collaborative platform where both parties can code together beyond screensharing a text editor. So we created a platform that lets the interviewer visually demonstrate corrections or tips or introduce additional challenges. In general, analysts see this as part of a trend that is empowering the recruiter to make smarter decisions easier.

Myth #4 – When the Hire Has Been Made, Close Your Files And Move On

Seventy-five percent of job applicants never hear back from employers, and this has always puzzled me. Smart companies use each interaction with candidates to build a hiring funnel – 88 percent of software engineers apply for only two jobs in five years. Keep in touch with them!
Coding is a very scientific skill that can be tightened and sharpened with practice, and big companies are catching on. Citrix has first-time applicants sign up in their Talent Network to keep in touch later on, and Squarespace lets candidates evaluate them after the interview to get a sense of how they are perceived in hiring and also to help hire later on. It has been proven that no communication after an interview can affect a company’s bottom line, and can result in a candidate smearing the company in their personal network, making a number of people less likely to be a customer later.

Hacking the Hiring Starts in the Valley but is Spreading Beyond Tech

While Silicon Valley is leading the way, everyone is starting to realize the importance of changing their tech hiring. Sixty percent of companies surveyed globally by Deloitte are changing or have already revamped their talent acquisition strategy, and another 27 percent are considering it. It’s time to acknowledge this change and take action or risk falling behind in the race for technical talent.
What do you think about the technical hiring process? Have you ever missed out on a great candidate because of a skewed interview? There are big changes being made in the way we hire developers, and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Google Can Leverage Facebook

How Google Can Leverage Facebook’s Biggest Weakness

News broke yesterday that Vic Gundotra is leaving Google. Many have supposed that Google+ is dead in the water, and its overt failure is something Google can’t come back from. I think Google should look at this as a fresh start — and take the opportunity to implement private sharing in a way that users love.

When Google initially launched Plus, it was clear they just wanted users to move their sharing over from Facebook. Google+ didn’t give users a new way to interact, it just copied another social network’s model. As a result, Google’s social network attempt never truly took off. Few people actively share on it. No one checks it. Most, in general, ignore it.

This failure has been blamed on Google’s reputation for an inability to build social products (a reputation Apple shares as well). But looking deeper, I believe Google not only can build social products, but has a better shot than Facebook at building what the next generation of social networking users want.

People want private sharing

Sharing on the Internet is moving to be more contextual and private. The single biggest insight in all our work and research on Cluster this past year is that more and more, people don’t want to share everything with everyone, but instead share select content with select people. They no longer just want to broadcast, and in turn, are seeking an alternative to Facebook.

Startups are popping up left and right to experiment in this space. Recently, ephemeral messaging and anonymous sharing have been the loudest signs on this trend, but that’s because they’re the easiest solutions. If the problem is you don’t want photos to be accessible to everyone forever on Facebook, an easy solution is for them to disappear seconds after being shared. If users don’t want to be tied to things they posted years prior, or don’t want certain people seeing what they’re sharing, making the posts completely anonymous quickly solves it.

As Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures recently said, “It’s more about the control than the ephemerality. With Snapchat, I know who’s going to see this and I know it’s not going to move out beyond that place.”

But that doesn’t mean those are the right long-term solutions. When we’ve asked users about why they use these services, it’s largely because they are no better alternatives for contextual sharing. Between Facebook and Snapchat (or SMS or email), Facebook is not an option if they’re worried about privacy.

Facebook knows this

Facebook is an incredible organization with more data about patterns of human activity than any company on the planet. They see this coming and are clearly trying to figure out how the growing customer desire for contextual sharing will work within Facebook. “The [next big trend] that we’re seeing now is sharing with smaller groups,” says Mark Zuckerberg.
There are lot of small things Facebook is doing to prepare for this battle.
These are strategic initiatives to decouple a user’s public Facebook experience with these more private interactions. They’re starting to train users to not think of Facebook as one public place, but a set of contextual experiences.

Facebook’s biggest problem: public perception

Facebook isn’t recognized as a place to be private. It’s cemented in the average user’s mind as a place to share publicly. TechCrunch writer Josh Constine recently touched on this:
The public perception of Facebook was firmly rooted in the idea of sharing things your boss or family might see, and that everything posted was tattooed on your profile.
And given the rocky history with changing privacy policies, users don’t tend to trust Facebook even if what they’re sharing is marked as private. Constine writes:
We just might not be able to escape the lurking fear that even if Facebook offered an anonymous sharing option, posts would somehow come back to haunt us.
To get a better sense of real user perception of Facebook, we asked 16 user testing participants about their Facebook usage. Twelve responded with concerns over privacy and sharing visibility:
  • “I use Facebook when I want to share to a more general group of people and kind of put down those memories as a part of my timeline.” (Seattle)
  • “I don’t really post pics on Facebook because I’m nervous about who else would be seeing them.” (34, homemaker, San Francisco)
  • “Unless you don’t have the settings set up right on Facebook, then it’s all over the place.” (26, territory sales rep, Nashville)
  • “I’m always changing my settings on Facebook when I post a picture, like, ‘who can see this or not?’—I’m always getting grief from family, like, ‘why did you post that!?” (44, construction manager, San Francisco)
  • “A small group of friends you want to share specific photos with—not necessarily blasted on Facebook with, like, 400 people.” (37, teacher, San Francisco)
  • “[Private sharing] is possible to do on Facebook, but it’s harder for people to do and more confusing. It’s pretty much like you have to share with everyone or no one” (25, hospital assistant, San Francisco)
  • “My friends don’t care about certain pictures that my family would care about and vice versa.” (24, social media strategist, Nashville)
  • “Seems like the big thing with Facebook: the whole privacy thing is blowing up. Everyone sees so much, whether you want ‘em to or not.” (42, musician, Nashville)
  • “Sometimes you don’t want certain people to look at your photos, like, ‘hmm should I post this?” (19, student, San Francisco)
  • “We would share funny content, like, it could be a picture you took of one of my fraternity brothers dancing at the party or whatever just doing stupid stuff that you know you can’t put on Facebook.” (22, intern, Nashville)
  • “On Facebook everybody can see what you’re posting.” (42, self-employed, San Francisco)
  • “Facebook, I thought, was at its peak when it was only for college students.” (26, culinary student, San Francisco)
There is little doubt Facebook has enormous work to do to earn the trust of its users as a place to post privately.

Google’s biggest strength: public perception

Although not seen as the most innovative company in the world when it comes to social products, Google has consistently maintained consumer confidence for handling sensitive user information across a wide range of products.

Email might be the most private sharing of all, yet hundreds of millions of people communicate daily through Gmail. Google Docs are used by countless individuals and businesses to share and store private documents and make small team collaboration easier. GoogleTalk is a massively used private messaging service.

Google Hangouts is a small group collaborative conferencing service. Google even has a product called Groups, which is a mostly forgotten version of the web forums of web 1.0.

The point is, not only do people trust Google to keep their private information private, but Google has a bunch of products where users are already doing this.

Google’s good idea that never took off

Even though Google+ wasn’t that impressive, there were a few nuggets of wisdom within. I’ve already mentioned Hangouts, which launched with Google+, but the other is a feature most people have heard of, but no one uses: Google+ Circles.
google circlces
Surprisingly, during our recent user testing, people from all walks of life and geographies referenced Google+ Circles. Typically, they appreciate the concept but don’t use the product. Two examples:
  • “The concept of a group space makes me think of the whole Google+ thing, with, like, adding to circles and whatnot—which is a good concept, but nobody bought into it so it didn’t work.” (26, culinary student, San Francisco)
  • “The first thing I thought about [when thinking of small groups] were the circles on Google, but I think Google+ is forced and kinda silly.” (29, administrator, Nashville)
While the idea of Circles is solid, it got mixed up in the execution of Google+. Users are expected to set up these groups without any real reason why, except some potential future benefit. And all within an uninspiring social network.
While the current iteration of Circles failed, the concept made perfect sense to users and fits the current social networking trend.

What Google should do

Google has an arsenal of quality products trusted by users for private, contextual sharing. The next step is to fit them together in a way that makes sense to a user looking for a Facebook alternative. I have absolutely no insight into what’s going on at Google, but I would start with focusing on a new product simply called Google Groups (renaming the existing “Groups” product to Google Forums).
Google Groups would be a standalone mobile and web experience where users could:
  • send messages (powered by Google Talk)
  • video chat (powered by Google Hangouts)
  • share files (powered by Google Drive)
  • post photos and videos (a mix of Google Photo Party and a simplified form of Google+)
The groups themselves would be an evolution of Google Circles. All activity would be historically recorded and only accessible to the people who are specifically in the group. It would be completely private, accessible only by invitation.

At Cluster we think we’re working on an interesting approach to private group sharing, but our Achilles heel is that we lack the massive installed user bases of Facebook and Google. While Facebook might initially appear to be better positioned because of its historical success with social products, its public perception puts it in a vulnerable position, which Google, if it’s smart, will take advantage of.

It should be an interesting few years.

Facebook Audience Network

Facebook’s Mobile Ad Network Is Called “Facebook Audience Network” And Here’s How It Works

Next week at f8, Facebook will unveil Facebook Audience Network, its mobile ad network that will let developers target both standard banners and custom ad units with Facebook’s vast trove of personal data, according to multiple sources. It could let developers monetize, advertisers buy more mobile impressions than News Feed can fit, and Facebook earn money without cluttering its own apps with more ads.
Facebook began testing a mobile ad network in 2012. Because it was just a targeting layer on top of existing ad networks that it had to split revenue with, margins weren’t high enough so Facebook paused it to focus on its native monetization efforts.

Then in September 2013 it announced it was rebooting mobile ad network tests and this time it would work directly with advertisers and publishers (apps that host the ads) which would let it keep more of the bounty. On Facebook’s Q1 2014 earnings call, COO Sheryl Sandberg mentioned these ad network tests saying “Our initial efforts show a lot of promise and we’ve gotten good feedback from marketers.” This week, Re/code’s Mike Isaac reported that Facebook would officially launch the ad network at its f8 developer conference next week.

Facebook declined to comment, but I can now confirm Isaac’s report and have discovered more details about the project, including that it’s named Facebook Audience Network (FAN). It will offer both simple and custom ways for advertisers and other developers to harness the power of Facebook’s ad targeting data across the mobile app market.


How FAN Functions
To start, Facebook will strike the deals with advertisers, pushing the 1 million that already pay for promotion on its own site and app to take advantage of new inventory on other apps. Many are already eager to do so. Given more specific targeting parameters, Facebook could previously only deliver a limited volume of impressions because it caps the number of ads it shows each of its 609 million daily mobile users. FAN will let it accommodate bigger campaigns some advertisers want.

Facebook will also bring the ad targeting muscle, allowing advertisers to reach people based on biographical and interest data, and likely with cookie-based retargeting, too. Most other ad networks have a limited amount of data regarding who someone is, and that data is often inferred so it’s not always accurate. That makes it tougher meaning to show relevant ads that get results and command high rates for publishers.

But Facebook’s social network has convinced people to volunteer tons of deep personal information like work history, education, and favorite movies, plus it can see what apps they use and where they are. Since people stay logged into Facebook, FAN can recognize exactly who the viewer is and show them an ad matched to their profile.

In exchange for delivering the advertisers and targeting, Facebook will take a sizeable chunk of what it charges, and hand the rest to the publisher.

The ads will be delivered in two ways. First, app developers will be able to easily integrate code to run Facebook Audience Network as a replacement for whatever competing ad network or homegrown solution they use to sell and target their standard mobile ad units like drop-down banners. If it’s easy to adopt and FAN drives higher ad performance that earns developers more money, Facebook believes they’ll switch. It just has to convince them it’s better than Twitter’s MoPub, AdMob, InMobi, and the rest.

This strategy will make FAN immediately accessible to a wide array of advertisers without them having to do much work and without Facebook having to hold their hands. That could let Facebook ramp up revenue while keeping costs low.

The second way FAN will be delivered is through custom ad units tailored to fit the apps they’re hosted in, multiple sources confirm. A navigation app could show “promoted locations” pins that are ads for nearby restaurants or businesses. A lockscreen or homescreen replacement for Android could show “suggested apps” that are essentially app install ads. Or a dating app could show ads for television shows in the form of fake profiles of the show’s characters.

If an app is popular enough to have a lot of inventory to sell, Facebook will work with it to bring FAN advertisers and targeting to units that feel natural and don’t overtly disturb the user experience.
The ads themselves could promote a range of products. 

There’s sure to be plenty of app install ads, Facebook’s current cash cow, as developers are desperate for installs and willing to pay. Mobile app re-engagement ads could also be popular. You might already have Hotel Tonight installed, but have forgotten about it. If Facebook sees you Like traveling, and just checked in to a restaurant in Los Angeles, it could show an ad delivered through FAN in another app that re-opens HotelTonight to a $99 hotel room in the city. Big brands and local businesses might also get in on the action, as Facebook’s offline measurement tools can prove that its ads drive in-person sales.

Facebook Audience Network doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel for mobile advertising, it just needs to make the wheel spin faster. While piping in advertisers and targeting doesn’t sound revolutionary, it just needs to be better than what’s out there.
Ads are a straightforward business. If Facebook Audience Network can show people more relevant ads that are more effective, and it can deliver a better return on investment for advertisers and bigger payouts to developers than they can get elsewhere, they’ll adopt it.
Facebook Could Earn More Money Showing Fewer Ads

Most of Facebook’s revenue comes from the News Feed. The more users look at it, the more ads it can show, and the more money it makes. This is a bit risky. It makes Facebook’s business vulnerable to competition. If other mobile apps like WeChat, Twitter, and Snapchat steal engagement from Facebook, its revenue could sink.
But Facebook has something none of its competitors have, in part a relic from growing up in the web age: personal data. It wasn’t started as a single-purpose, super-lean mobile app like today’s upstarts. It’s a full-fledged social network based around rich user profiles. With its breadth of purpose and role as an identity provider and app activity hub, it knows more about people than possibly any company on the planet.
Facebook Audience Network allows Facebook to monetize this existing data regardless of whether engagement on its own properties slips. It insulates Facebook from both competition and general market shifts. While the places that people spend time online might change, someone will always pay to target them with ads.
Two years ago I wrote a story called Imagine No Ads On Facebook, It’s Easy If You Try. While that might be a little extreme, FAN is a step in that direction. It could let Facebook earn more money while showing the same number of News Feed ads or even fewer. That could let Facebook focus on getting people sharing and volunteering data on its properties that it monetizes elsewhere.
Plus, if Facebook can lure developers with the promise of cash payouts for showing its ads, it could also sell them on its Parse mobile-backend-as-a-service. In that sense, FAN could round out and strengthen Facebook’s platform services.
FAN may take a few quarters to spin up as Facebook rolls it out and advertisers test the waters. But if Facebook’s native mobile advertising business is any indicator, it has big potential. Facebook has used its deep targeting data to weather the shift to mobile, helping it to beat earnings estimates seven quarters in a row. In Q1 2014 it made 59%, or $1.33 billion of its ad revenue from small screens. By Q4 2014 FAN could start contributing meaninfgul revenue to the company.

Facebook Grow Monetize

The question remains whether Facebook’s users will be freaked out if they notice their personal data is being used to target ads outside of Facebook. While they might not be gung-ho about it, we’ve seen the public endure the rise of re-targeting, which somewhat creepily uses the sites someone browses to show them related ads later.

With time, users may grow accustomed to Facebook-personalized ads on other sites. If they’re going to see the ads anyways, you could argue it’s better to see ones that are actually for things they want. It will be interesting to watch if and how Facebook offers an opt-out of being targeted by FAN.

F8′s goal is to show developers with how to “Build, Grow, Monetize”. By helping one app gain users by paying another to host its install ads, its solving the latter two problems simultaneously. Until now, Facebook has been a parking lot, charging advertisers for space on its property. The launch of FAN will see it evolve into a bridge, collecting a toll for delivering advertisers elsewhere.


Friday, April 25, 2014

3D Printing

3d Printed cast can heal bones 40 faster thanks to Ultrasound

The traditional casts offered by hospitals to cover broken bones are not the best things to have to wear while waiting for your bones to heal. After they have been on for around a week the cast emits a bad smell from sweat and the skin underneath begins to itch horribly. Breaking a bone in the future may mean that you don’t have to suffer for weeks on end and put up with the traditional cast. This 3D printed cast can heal bones 40% faster thanks to ultrasound. - See more at:
The traditional casts offered by hospitals to cover broken bones are not the best things to have to wear while waiting for your bones to heal. After they have been on for around a week the cast emits a bad smell from sweat and the skin underneath begins to itch horribly. Breaking a bone in the future may mean that you don’t have to suffer for weeks on end and put up with the traditional cast. This 3D printed cast can heal bones 40% faster thanks to ultrasound. - See more at:

The traditional casts offered by hospitals to cover broken bones are not the best things to have to wear while waiting for your bones to heal. After they have been on for around a week the cast emits a bad smell from sweat and the skin underneath begins to itch horribly. Breaking a bone in the future may mean that you don’t have to suffer for weeks on end and put up with the traditional cast. This 3D printed cast can heal bones 40% faster thanks to ultrasound. 

Low intensity pulsed ultrasound has been known for its capabilities when it comes to helping mend broken bones for around ten years. Up to now it has been difficult to use as ultrasound leads need to be on the skin, directly over the region of the bone that is injured. With casts made of plaster this isn’t possible. This is where the 3D printed cast comes into its own as patches of the skin are left to the open air, which would make it easier for the leads to be in contact with the skin over the bone that was broken. The Osteoid 3D printed cast has a skeletal design and this would allow the ultrasonic drivers to be built within the cast itself.

It has been said that the next step forward for the 3D printed cast is the creation of a locking mechanism that would provide protection for the limb, along with the cast. The Osteoid creator got the inspiration for the cast from the spongy material that is inside bones. The team said that the concept is lightweight and it could be tailor made, along with being available in specific colours.
At the moment the 3D printed cast remains in prototype stage. However thanks to 3D scanning tech progressing fast, this 3D printed cast could be seen covering broken bones in a couple of years or so.
- See more at:

At the moment the 3D printed cast remains in prototype stage. However thanks to 3D scanning tech progressing fast, this 3D printed cast could be seen covering broken bones in a couple of years or so.

- See more at:

- See more at:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Heartbleed – What went wrong ?

Background :

These days almost each and every website asks user for registration and provides them with an username and password for there future interaction with the website.Today HTTPS protocol is the defacto standard for sending the sensitive data to the server and behind the scenes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security(TLS) protocols which make sure that every transaction between the client and server is secure.

Today most of the websites uses the OpenSSL as an implementation for SSL and TLS protocols ,though there are other implementations like PolarSSL,SChannel(developed by Microsoft) etc are available but OpenSSL is the most robust and widely accepted as majority of sites like Yahoo,Flickr,500px etc uses it.

OpenSSL makes sure in setting up the identity of the client and server to who they claim who they are.Once a connection is established between them , both client and server continuously do encrypted handshake with each other to know that they are alive.More specifically in OpenSSL they call it as Heartbeat ( from where Heartbleed is originated) where client and server sends some data to each other to ensure that both of them are enjoying on their sides.

What is Heartbleed ?
Heartbleed is the security hole that was found in the OpenSSL implementation for sending this heartbeat data to the client.As a part of heartbeat when client sends data (max 64KB) to the server it sends three parameters to the server -


  1. Location on the server where this data will reside
  2. Payload that needs to be copied.
  3. Size of the payload that needs to be copied.
Let’s have a look at the actual function that is actually responsible for the copying of this payload and root cause for the Heartbleed.
It’s a C function that takes 3 parameters as explained above bp is the location on your server where this payload is going to reside,pl is actual payload send by the client,payload is the size of the payload that can goes up to maximum 64KB.When server receives a heartbeat from the client it tries to find a free location on the server to copy this data but practically there is no such empty space exists on the server,so server reads the bp that is location where pl will reside but in actual this location is not empty and contains data that has been used in other sessions and flagged for deletion as it’s a garbage data.
Now memcpy thinks it is safe to use this location as it is already being marked for deletion and creates a chunk equivalent of payload size at this location and copies all the data present in pl to this chunk. So, till now all good garbage data has been replaced with the data send by the client and the same data has been send by server back to the client as a part of heartbeat.
Now the interesting part when client starts lying, that means it stops sending any data in pl and in payload claims that it is sending 64KB of data , so here is flaw in the bugged version of OpenSSL where no validation was present to check whether the size of data in pl and value in payload are same.

Server is still trusting the client and expecting the client will always sends the same size data in pl what it promises in payload , under this assumption server will again create a 64KB (payload value) chunk in the location pointed by bp and copy all of the pl data there i.e nothing so this time garbage data is not replaced and it is still there.Now this garbage data can contain complete useless data or some sensitive information like passwords , credit card details etc and will send back as a server heartbeat to the client.Once this heartbeat is received on the client side , practically anything can be done with this data (it’s terrible to imagine).

Enough technical let’s try to understand it with a simple example (purely hypothetical).

Assume there is a stationary shop whose main business is of doing photo copies.Owner (our server) of this shop is partially illiterate and doesn’t know basic counting for him all the numbers are same (1=2=3=4…) and he also never checks the document whether in reality it exits or not.

Now a customer approached him (our client) and asked him to do a photo copy of 100 documents that he brought with him, once copying is done owner started searching for an empty envelope to put these copied documents but like always he didn’t find any ,so he picked one of the envelopes already filled with some other documents(Assumption:an envelope can contain max 100 documents).

As this owner doesn’t know the basic counting so he was not sure of many documents are present in this envelope,so he starts removing documents from envelope one by one and as soon as he removes a document from the bottom of the pile he places a new document at the top of the pile.He continued this process until all the new copied documents are finished.In our ideal case when client is not lying everything goes fine and whole of the older documents are replaced by copied ones.

Our customer has observed all these things carefully and find out the problem with the our owner.Next day he went again to this shop and this time he didn’t take any document with him and asked the owner to do 100 copies of this document(in actual no document).As said earlier owner doesn’t care whether document exists or not , he made 100 copies of it (in actual 0 copies) and started the same process again.He picked one of the filled envelopes and start keeping these copies (that don’t exist). This time without keeping any copied document into the envelope because there was no copy , he handed over the envelope to the customer which contains the documents of some other customer X. Now our smart customer has documents of some other customer X and he can do whatever he wants with these documents.

PS:This example may not exactly replicate the actual issue but to some extent there is a correlation between actual loophole and above example.

Xkcd also presented a nice comic explaining the Heartbleed.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cyber Law

Facebook Cyber Laws of India


What’s covered?

  • Facebook posts

  • Messages

  • Comments etc. 

Evenliking or sharingthese posts could get a person into trouble.


1. Ridicule a Government official or Minister on Facebook

Ridiculing a Government official or Minister on Facebook could be illegal under the following laws: 

 -  Sedition (refers to spoken words, written words, photos, cartoons)
 -  Defamation (A comment that harms the reputation of a person)
 -  Sending offensive electronic messages

Section 124A (Sedition), 499 (Defamation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
Section 66A (Sending Offensive Message) of the Information Technology Act
Sections 3 and 4 of Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act

2. Ridicule a celebrity or even an ordinary person on Facebook

Ridiculing a celebrity or ordinary person on Facebook could be illegal under the following laws: 

  -  Defamation (A comment that harms the reputation of a person)
  -  Sending offensive electronic messages
499 (Defamation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
Section 66A (Sending Offensive Message) of the Information Technology Act (ITA)
Sections 3 and 4 of Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act

3. Ridicule a religion on Facebook

 -  Promoting enmity on grounds of religion8 (153A IPC)
 -  Outraging religious feelings9 (295A IPC)
 -  Wounding religious feelings10 (298 IPC)
 -  Sending offensive electronic messages11 (Section 66A ITA)
 -  Imputations, assertions prejudicial to national integration

4. Refer to a politician as “corrupt” on Facebook.
Unless the politician has been found guilty of corruption by the court of law

- 499 (Defamation)of the IPC

-    - Section 66A(Sending Offensive Message) of Information Technology Act (ITA) 

5. To call someone an “idiot” or “fat pig” or any abusive language on Facebook.
Or   If you  use asterisk marks etc instead of abusive words.

- 499 (Defamation)of the IPC
-    - Section 66A(Sending Offensive Message) of Information Technology Act (ITA)

6. I have ordered some stuff from a famous e-commerce website. They have not sent it even after a month but my credit card has been charged for the transaction. Is it legal to post my complaint about this on my Facebook wall?


  Remember the following points while making this post:

- State only facts.

- Do not make any sarcastic statements.


7. It is not legal to open a Facebook account in a fake name or with any Celebrity name

- Simply creating the account in the fake name (or someone else’s name) amounts to forgery (IPC 465)

- If the account is used, then it amounts to sending offensive electronic messages (ITA Section 66A)

- Further  if  the  fake  account  was  created  for  the  purpose  of harming  someone’s  reputation,  then  it  amounts  to  forgery  for purpose of harming reputation (IPC 469)


8. Someone has tagged me on an offensive photo is an offense

 - Under ITA Section 66A 


9.  It is illegal to post obscene photos / videos on my wall/page or a “friend” has posted an obscene photo of themselves on their own wall. Since I can see that photo, can I file a case against my “friend”

- This  is  a  serious  offense  and  makes  the  person  posting  the obscene photos / videos liable for 3 years imprisonment (ITA Section 67 )

- If the photos / videos contain a sexually explicit act, then an additional liability of 5 years imprisonment is created (ITA Section 67A)

If the photos / videos depict children in a sexually explicit act, then an additional liability of 5 years imprisonment is created (ITA Section 67B)


10. Sending someone a threatening message on Facebook. Or if you receive any such message then you can file a complaint against

- Sending threatening messages on Facebook can be penalized as “sending  offensive  messages”  and  is  punishable  with  upto  3 years imprisonment (ITA Section 66A)

- Additionally, depending upon the threat in the message, additional punishment could vary from 2 years imprisonment to 7 years imprisonment (IPC 506)

- Additionally, if the threatening message is sent using a fake account (or in any manner to hide the name and details of the sender), then an additional 2 years punishment can be given (IPC 507)

11. As a joke, I have put a morphed photo of my friend on Facebook. She has taken it as a joke, but her father is very angry with this. Can he file a case against me?
- If her father finds it offensive, he can file a case and it can be penalized  as  “sending  offensive  messages”  and  is  punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment (ITA Section 66A)
- If the photo is obscene then there is an additional liability for 3 years imprisonment (ITA Section 67)


12. What kind of posts, comment, likes, share can land you in prison?

Before posting on Facebook, ask yourself one question –

If this comment were about my family, or me, would I be offended? 

    If your answer is yes, DO NOT post. At any cost, avoid the following posts, comments or messages. Do not “like” these posts or messages either. 

 ×  Do  not  ridicule  anyone  on  Facebook  -  Government  official, Minister, celebrity or even an ordinary person.

×  Do not ridicule a religion on Facebook

×  Do not refer to someone using derogatory terms such as “corrupt”, “idiot”, “fat pig”, “ugly” or worse.


×  Do not open a Facebook account in a fake name.

×  Do not open an account on Facebook using a celebrity’s name.

×  Do not tag someone in an offensive photo.

×  Do not post obscene photos / videos.

×  Do not use abusive language on Facebook.

×  Do not send threatening messages.